Parking Information for Toledo University | OH

Please remember that parking permits are required at all times including nights and weekends, in between semesters and academic breaks.

Please remember that parking permits are required at all times including nights and weekends, in between semesters and academic breaks.

Area 48 Now Open

Area 48 Now Open

The renovation of Area 48, the parking lot that surrounds Ruppert Health Center on Health Science Campus, is now complete. Please remember, green lined spaces on both campuses are for patient parking only.

Employee parking is not permitted on the north side of Area 48, as the spaces are now lined in green paint to indicate patient parking only. Employees with parking permits and valid handicapped placards are permitted to park in disabled spaces in any area. Patient parking is no longer located on the south side of the lot, more patient parking was added near the main entrance of Ruppert Health Center.

“A” and “G” permit holders may park on the South side of the parking area in the yellow lined spaces. Please see image below for further clarification of Area 48.

The outer row of spaces with “reserved” painted at the base of the spaces are for “G” permit holders only. Other areas on campus that have the word “reserved” painted at the base of the spaces are also designated for “G” permit holders. Please see image below for further clarification.

As a reminder, “A” and “G” permits may park in both white and yellow lined spaces but are not permitted to park in green lined spaces.

Permit holders are responsible for parking where their permits allow. All parking areas on both campuses feature signage on light posts to the various colored lines for further clarification for permit holders. Please see below for examples of the light post signs in Area 48.

Please remember all vehicles on campus must be registered with a permit purchased online in advance or by utilizing the ParkMobile App or a parking meter when visiting campus.

Updated parking policies and procedures do have parking permits enforced between semesters, during academic breaks and on weekends.

Permit Enforcement Hours:

  • Monday through Friday 7AM-10PM
  • Saturday & Sunday 9AM-5PM

On weekdays from 5PM-7AM and on Saturdays & Sundays, active permits may park in areas designated for other permits. Exceptions include: reserved, disabled, metered, patient and no overnight parking spaces/areas.