Parking Information for Toledo University | OH

Please remember that parking permits are required at all times including nights and weekends, in between semesters and academic breaks.

Please remember that parking permits are required at all times including nights and weekends, in between semesters and academic breaks.



Get permit parking at The University of Toledo.


Fall 2024 permits will be available for purchase starting August 12, 2024. Spring 2025 permits will be available for purchase starting December 9, 2024.

Those with any existing balance on their account will not be authorized to purchase a long or short term parking permit until their balance is paid in full.

Purchasing hourly and daily permits via ParkMobile or paying to park in metered areas is an option for patrons until their balance is paid.

Departmental Guest Permits: Please contact the department you are visiting to procure a departmental guest permit, or fill out the Department Guest Permit Request Form.


2024-25 Permit Pricing: Parking Types, Rates and Permit Lengths (processing fees not included).
Permit Type Rate Length of Permit
A $313.00 Year
A Semester $105.00 Semester
C, D, K $142.00 Semester
C, D, K Fall/Spring $284.00 Fall & Spring Semester
C Day $5.95 Day
C Month $59.85 Month
Medical Student Permit $426.00 July 1 - June 30
E $919.00 Year
G $471.00 Year


2. Select Apply for a vPermit button.

3. Select permit type and click NEXT.

4. Enter your vehicle information. Once entered, click NEXT.

Please note that the license plate DOES serve as the vehicle’s virtual permit. The information entered MUST match the license plate number physically on the vehicle. If they do not match, the vehicle will be cited.

You may have up to four vehicles associated with one parking permit. Vehicles may NOT be on campus within three hours of each other. If two or more vehicles are scanned on campus within three hours of each other, citations will be issued

5. Please verify your information is correct and click Register to be directed to pay with your credit card.

6. Once payment information is entered, click Pay.

7. You will be redirected to a payment confirmation page. Click Continue to return to your parking portal.

8. To view your permits, click Here or select My Permits tab.

9. Verify all of your information is correct and please note the status of your permit. You may log in to your parking portal at anytime to view or update your permit and vehicle information.


To browse frequently asked questions about parking permits, registering your vehicle, and general parking permit info, please click here.


If you’re looking for parking for a departmental guest, please follow the steps below.

Please note: This information applies to departmental guests only. All other faculty, staff and students should be purchasing their permits through their myparking account.

  • To create your departmental portal, please email We strongly encourage you to be selective with issuing your permits as a permit is $5.75/day. If you’d like to purchase a department annual parking permit, please complete the Department Annual Parking Permit Request Form.
  • Rental Vehicles: If a department brings a rental vehicle on campus, the department is responsible for registering the vehicle. Please note that the rental company is not responsible for registering the vehicle.
  • Please communicate with all departmental guests that a guest parking permit cannot be used to park in metered spaces. Metered spaces require a separate payment.